Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How to get those Windows apps just can't live without on Ubuntu

One of my own stumbling blocks on making the switch to Ubuntu full time was those few apps I just can't live without.

1) Adobe Photoshop-
              I have been using this since I was in high school in the early 90's. Yes I am old let's not go there. But when other people use illustrator and other parts of creative suite, all I really need to do 90% of the graphics I do is photoshop. So how do I get this on Ubuntu? There's an app in the "ubuntu software center" called "PlayonLinux" now you might ask why not with just wine, well i don't know why but it doesn't work for me and playonlinux just does. So use what works right? Below is a link to the original post I found that gave me something else to try when wine didn't work.

(sourced from: https://askubuntu.com/questions/530110/how-can-i-install-photoshop-cs6-on-ubuntu-14-04)

2) 1password-
                This is a glorious password manager, to be honest I am not sure why I havn't always used something like this, but unfortunately it's only native to windows, and mac os x as far as desktop operating systems. So how do you get around this, careful installation with wine, yes wine this time did the job, and normally this is the first thing I install after dropbox. Below is a link to the guide along with a video that showed clearly and easily that just because your on ubuntu there's no need to give up your 1password.

(sourced from: http://eduardosanchez.me/2015/01/25/1password-on-ubuntu-linux-14-10/)

Short post this time, but if you have other apps from windows you can't live without let me know in comments or tweet me at:@c00p3r_7 I would be glad to see your responses.

A Basic Start With Ubuntu Linux

**Disclaimer this is not meant and a end all be all but merely a good start... when in doubt google for more information, and if you find something cool share it."

So I want to get away from windows what now?
Try installing ubuntu?

After reading and trying a number of guides on the interwebs I figure it time to consolidate a few into a unified basic start for a dipping your toe into the water of linux through ubuntu.

ACTION: google top things to do after installing linux.

results: many pages saying basically the same things yet I personally only want some of the tips they share, no i am not going to walk through basic install, this post will take for granted you were able to get it on your hhd or ssd.

1) first things first, updates, and upgrades!  
                         sudo apt-get update
                         sudo apt-get upgrade
                         sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

2) next remove root login
                         sudo passwd -l root   
3)modify sudoers file
                          find this line: root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
                          change it to reflect the username of your user account instead of root:  
                                                username ALL=(ALL:ALL)  ALL
                          save changes and exit the editor.

4) remove the guest login
                         sudo nano /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50 ubuntu.conf
   find and edit the file to reflect this:
    save and exit the editor

5)install and setup your firewall; i personally use ufw
                         sudo apt-get install ufw
                         sudo ufw default deny incoming
                         sudo ufw default allow outgoing
                         sudo ufw enable
                         sudo ufw status

6)add useful apps for basic functionality, like video, email, web browsing
    easiest and fastest way to add these would be the ubuntu software center just use the search bar on the top right to look for the app desired; if not google download the ubuntu .deb package then right click the package and open with ubuntu software center. example of these apps would be:
mozilla thunderbird for email; dropbox; google chrome browser; vlc; slack chat; and skype.

so if your reading this far, thanks for taking the time and please if you have anything to add, correct, comment on such feel free, and I will try to respond to which you have to share.